By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium, Taking Off The Armor) A few years back I was taking care of a service member with significant PTSD from an ambush in […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium) How time flies! I wrote this article in 2021 and there was a little hope the suicide rate among Veterans was dropping. However, […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer(original post on Medium) For the military, transition is very definitive. We go from a very specific culture and subcultures to the civilian population and it can be […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium) “Your program is nothing more than military welfare.” Those were the words a Reserve Colonel spat at me in a teleconference about 6 […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer As I started to write my blog, I was sitting, watching a movie with my family, and heard the statement, “Maybe she didn’t die for nothing.” (I’m […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium) In 2017, I co-authored a book on military transition…Warrior to Patriot Citizen. (Shameless plug…you can find it on Amazon.) When we were writing […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium) “Ma’am, my leadership is pretty upset with me.” the service member stated “Why is that?” I asked. “Well, I was explaining what their […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium) I wrote the original blog article almost 2 years ago. Since then, I’ve picked up a few more tips; and knowing how uncomfortable […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium) The fall of Saigon and the fall of Afghanistan. Similar scenarios, same fear. It got me thinking about the trauma the people, military […]
By Donna Hoffmeyer (original post on Medium) I wrote this article almost 3 years ago. I had been retired from the military for about 6 months and struggling with “what’s […]