Coming Home Well launched the Veteran Pet Adoption Program to connect veterans with the large population of homeless dogs or cats needing to find their special human. Pet adoption and ownership have been shown to ease anxiety and depression. A loyal four-legged companion also makes it easier to cope with the challenging struggles that many warriors experience when returning home from war.
Local SPCAs and rescues affiliated with the program waive adoption fees to veterans searching for their special companion. All branches of the military are eligible, including National Guard and Reserves members. Proof of veteran status is required.
Veteran’s Pet Adoption Program & Gratitude Charlottesville Pet Project ~ The Humane Society/SPCA of Nelson County has partnered with Coming Home Well and Gratitude Charlottesville (www.gratitudecville.com) for the Veterans Pet Adoption Program. Our goal is to bring together military veterans and police seeking companion animals with pets from our shelter in need of a home. To show our support and to positively impact our military veteran and police community, our shelter is waiving pet adoption fees for veterans and police. Nelson County Veteran’s Pet Adoption Page
Complete an adoption application, provide proof of your military/police service, and we’ll work with you to find the perfect companion animal!
Pets4Vets ~ P4V is a program that provides a special opportunity for veterans to save the life of a pet in need. P4V places adoptable pets in homes with veterans to serve as companions. Based on the needs of the veteran owner, Smiles Forever Animal Rescue can arrange for food, routine vet care, and transportation to veterinary appointments.
Veterans are able to contact Smiles Forever Animal Rescue through e-mail, telephone, text, or through our website- whichever works best for them. SFAR wants to make pet ownership a reality and allow veterans to experience the benefits of owning a companion animal. We want to thank you for your service by paying the adoption fee & supplying you with food and routine veterinary care! Pet4Vets Adoption Page
The Louisa County Animal Shelter ~ Operates under guidelines of the Commonwealth of Virginia providing humane sheltering, care, adoption, and redemption of stray and surrendered animals. We strive to eliminate pet overpopulation by encouraging spay/neuter of animals, increase the public awareness by educating our citizens on responsible pet ownership, and to prevent any form of animal cruelty. Louisa County Pet Adoption Page
Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge ~ Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge is a local chapter of Dogs Deserve Better Inc., a 501c3 nonprofit. We are an all volunteer team dedicated to freeing chained and penned dogs in Central Virginia. Our mission is to provide a better life for abused, neglected and abandoned animals by advocating for humane legislation, promoting spay and neuter, educating communities on animal welfare, and finding loving families for once forgotten souls. Dogs Deserve Better Blue Ridge
Caring For Creatures (CFC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit foundation dedicated to caring for homeless animals and enhancing the human-animal bond by providing a safe & healthy environment in which to rehabilitate and rehome abandoned, neglected, abused or otherwise homeless dogs and cats. CFC strives to create lifetime homes, if necessary, for animals who are elderly, disabled and/or have a chronic condition requiring specialized care. In addition to promoting programs and policies that will help stem the number of animals entering care facilities through education and awareness, promotion of spaying and neutering, and community involvement. caringforcreatures.org