Music as a tool for healing and expression

Soldier Songs and Voices

In the latest episode of Soldier Songs and Voices, Tony is graced with the presence of Donna, an Air Force Veteran with a story that resonates with the power of resilience and the healing touch of music.

Donna’s journey begins in a small town in Texas, where she faced a tumultuous childhood that led to periods of homelessness. Despite these hardships, she found solace in the discipline and opportunities provided by the military, following in the footsteps of her family’s long history of service. Her narrative is one of overcoming adversity, finding strength in her grandmother’s wisdom, and the serendipity of reuniting with her brother in Korea, where music became their shared sanctuary.

As Donna recounts her experiences, it becomes clear that music has been a constant companion throughout her life. From the live country bands that played across the street from her childhood home to the headphones that provided an escape from chaos, music was both a refuge and a source of joy. It was the backdrop to her relationship with her uncle, a man who turned his life around and found his voice while in prison, and it was the thread that connected her to her stepfather during his lighter moments.

The episode takes us through Donna’s career in the medical field, where she served as a radiology technologist and later as a physician assistant, highlighting the transferable skills and opportunities the military provided. However, the scars of military sexual trauma and the resulting PTSD presented challenges that Donna bravely faced head-on. It is here that the story takes a transformative turn, revealing how music became a tool for healing and expression.

Listeners will be captivated by Donna’s involvement in songwriting workshops for Veterans, where she co-wrote a song that became a rallying cry for her and her fellow veterans. This episode is a testament to the therapeutic power of music and its ability to provide a voice to those who may have struggled to find their own.

Donna’s story is not just her own; it represents the silent battles many veterans face and the potential for creative outlets to aid in recovery. As host Tony Rosario eloquently puts it, music is a river from which we all draw water, and Donna’s narrative is a reminder that even in the darkest of rooms, there is light to be found through the cracks we share.

Listen to the full episode on CHW Streaming Radio Thursday night at 7 PM CST to immerse yourself in Donna’s inspiring story, and perhaps find a reflection of your own resilience and the universal solace that music can bring.

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