Meaningful Memorial Day

Memorial Day

By Donna Hoffmeyer

Memories. They shroud us on this day. Some of us were witnesses to their demise, some of us received word, and all of us mourned our loss. They are fallen heroes…the some that gave all.

Events. We recognize our brother and sister-in-arms on this day every year with parades, speeches, and gatherings. However, Veterans remember them every single day.

Mementos. Pictures hang on the wall, awards sit on the shelf, and keepsakes dangle from our necks and wrists. They are the precious tokens that keep them alive.

Observe. This is not a day to thank us. We do not consider it a happy day, but a day we remember our fallen brothers and sisters. A day we reflect and honor their sacrifice.

Remember. Do not forget those who gave all after the battlefield. Time healed their physical wounds, but the battles continued to rage in their minds. We do not shame them, we honor them. They bravely fought until they could no longer fight.

Imagine. What would our world look like without these heroes; the men and women who dedicated their lives to defend our freedoms?

Appreciate. As you go about your day, stop and reflect on your liberties. Your freedom of choice…religion, clothes, education. Your freedom to use your voice, disagree, and challenge the status quo. Thank these heroes for defending our independence.

Laud. Let us not grieve, but celebrate our heroes. Let us keep their spirit alive by remembering who they were and their impact on our lives, and thank them for their unwavering dedication to protect and defend.

Devote. While we enjoy the long weekend, dedicate a conscious moment and pay tribute to our fallen heroes. Educate your children on the sovereignties we have because of them. We pay them a disservice when we forget the cost of freedom.

Acceptance. Over the years the searing pain mellows to a chronic dull ache. It will never resolve. Although we honor and respect their ultimate sacrifice, we understand no amount of time will ever fill the void.

Yesterday. The day after the barbeques, parades, and pool parties, it is easy to fall back into daily routines. Many civilians will see Veterans in the community looking like they are doing the same. However, please do not assume we have left the day behind. We are trained to move forward, even when we continue to remember the past.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them. ~John F. Kennedy

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