Breaking Down the Walls of Substance Abuse

Veterans 4 Recovery

In the latest episode of Veterans 4 Recovery, Major John Donovan sits down with Jeremy Drucker for a compelling discussion on the multifaceted journey of recovery. Jeremy, who holds the newly created position of Addiction and Recovery Director for the state of Minnesota, brings a wealth of experience and insight to the conversation. From his background in English literature to his role in public service, Jeremy’s story is a testament to the power of recovery and the importance of a person-centered approach to treatment.

Jeremy’s journey began with his own struggles with substance use. As a person in long-term recovery, he reflects on how substances initially seemed to open up his consciousness but eventually led to a feeling of confinement. This personal experience has deeply influenced his professional work, where he now focuses on improving outcomes for Minnesotans experiencing substance use disorder.

One of the key themes of the episode is the importance of making treatment person-centered. Jeremy emphasizes that a truly effective system should meet individuals where they are, regardless of their background or identity. Whether someone lives in a rural area, an urban setting, or anywhere in between, the goal is to provide a continuum of care that includes prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery.

The conversation also touches on the unique challenges faced by Veterans. Jeremy shares his family’s deep connection to the military and discusses an upcoming Veterans listening session in Minnesota. This event aims to provide a forum for Veterans and their families to share their experiences, learn about available resources, and discuss ways to improve services for the Veteran community.

As the episode draws to a close, both John and Jeremy emphasize the importance of celebrating recovery. With over 23 million people in the United States in recovery, it’s crucial to highlight the successes and joys of this journey. By reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations, we can help more people find the support they need.

Don’t miss this insightful episode of Veterans for Recovery. Tune in to hear more about Jeremy Drucker’s inspiring journey and the important work being done to support veterans and others in recovery.

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