A Serene, Safe, Sober, Holiday Season

Safe serene sober gatherings

A Serene, Safe, Sober, Holiday Season:  

by Maj. John Donovan

Staying sober during the holidays can be a challenge. Alcohol permeates our society and is associated with many traditions of the season like baking recipes, festive holiday drinks, or celebratory toasts. All of these traditions seem to revolve around alcohol. However, just because this may describe the season, it doesn’t dictate the season or us. We don’t have to trip over something that is behind us. We can make new holiday traditions.   

Here are the top ten techniques, tactics, and procedures to celebrate the holiday season serenely, safely and in sobriety.      

  1. Line up a few extra recovery meetings. Even if you don’t feel you need them, the person sitting across from you might be very grateful that you came.  
  2. Consider doing some volunteer work for others like making phone calls to the homebound, visiting the sick in the hospital or VA, or taking a newcomer to a meeting. You could also try volunteering at a homeless shelter or serving a holiday meal to those less fortunate.  
  3. Avail yourself of the plethora of recovery activities that go on at this time of year.   Sign-up to chair a marathon meeting, or pay for a newcomer’s admission to a recovery event.  
  4. If you are nervous or uncomfortable about going to an event where there will be drinking – don’t go.  Don’t tempt fate. You don’t have to explain yourself and “Thank you, but I’m unable to attend” is a full sentence and doesn’t require any more explanation than that.  
  5. If you are going to a party where there will be drinking, make sure you bring your own non-alcoholic beverage.  
  6. If you are at a drinking occasion, plan an exit strategy. Don’t be dependent upon another person for your ride home. Drive your own vehicle or be prepared to leave via taxi, Uber or Lyft.  
  7. Don’t isolate – get out and enjoy the holiday lights, visit your house of worship, or take a brisk and invigorating walk.  
  8. Keep a list of recovery contacts readily available and on speed dial.  
  9. If you have cravings, carry some hard candy in your pocket and pop one when an urge comes over you.    
  10. Enjoy the festivities of the season by partaking in tree lighting ceremonies, community concerts and the like. Many of these activities are open to the public, free-of-charge and don’t involve drinking.  

May the warmth and joy of the season be with you and yours. May you have a fun-filled, festive, serene, safe, sober, holiday season.   

Maj. Donovan

Maj. John Donovan is a person in long-term recovery and he’s the host of the podcast “Veterans 4 Recovery,” which can be heard on the “Coming Home Well” network.

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